Friday, August 29, 2008

A bit about me...

I am a senior here at UB studying communication and psychology. I’m from Ithaca, NY but spent the past summer in Seattle interning at a public relations firm and exploring the Pacific Northwest. While I enjoyed living in the city, I also loved spending the summer outdoors barbecuing, kayaking and sailing. My last week in the Northwest I spent in the San Juan Islands, north of Seattle. We kayaked with the Orca whales that hangout in the North Pacific Ocean during the summer—this was an amazing experience!

Now that I’m back in Buffalo and the fall is approaching, I’m looking forward to the leaves turning colors and the weather cooling down. I love hands-on activities, so I plan to spend the fall working on various art projects that I’ve started. I especially love photography, and although I don’t have access to a darkroom anymore, I still use a film camera whenever I can! One of the projects I have planned for the fall is to create another Blurb book online with my photos from the summer.

Like most other people, I love traveling and look forward to the day that I can travel with my camera and take photos from all around the world. While I have spent a lot of time in Europe, I haven’t seen South America yet, so that’s next my destination list. I would also love to visit Cuba one day.

I hope to become a little bit more internet-savvy after taking this class. I also realize how important blogging is in today’s world, so I will hopefully become a blog-pro by the end of the semester! I also enjoyed the class discussions that occurred in a class that I previously took with Derek, so I look forward to more heated debates this semester.

1 comment:

Derek said...

Seattle in summer is great! Nice to have another veteran blogger in the class...